"All beings are living, all beings are sentient. Eating is a conversation with other living beings"

Emma is a fully qualified GAPS coach and has a protocol of nutritious meals and she will show you how get started. Conquer problems of 
digestion, immune system, arthritis, Polymyalgia or keeping regular.

Food is medicine and you can control your body if you only learn how. If you worry about your children’s health problems like 
spectrum disorders, ear ache, bed wetting, snotty noses, eczema, asthma, ADHD. Vital, energetic,
joyful good health can be achieved when you integrate GAPS into your family kitchen routine.

Garlic bread

You know in your bones that gut health affects your state of mind;

your state of mind also has great influence on your digestive system.

Listen to a few of the many, many comments recieved by Emma